Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.



How can I file a report related to Brembo S.p.A.?

Reports can be submitted both orally and written, through:


For what concerns reports related to other companies of the Group, the whistleblower can choose to send the report to the parent company Brembo S.p.A. or, if any, to the local internal channel ruled by specific procedure.


Which are the principles of the whistleblowing channel?

  • Obligation of confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and of the people involved in the report
  • IT security measures guaranteeing the obligation of confidentiality
  • Protection of the whistleblower by any kind of retaliation


Who manages the internal whistleblowing channel?

The whistleblowing channel is managed by the Global Central Function Internal Audit of Brembo, autonomous department with personnel specifically trained for the management of the whistleblowing channel.


Who can disclose the identity of the whistleblower?

The users of the platform identified as “responsible of the report”* will see the report, while the identity of the whistleblower is maintained concealed. If it is necessary, the Chief Internal Audit Officer can visualize the identity of the whistleblower, who will be automatically informed through the platform.

In case it is necessary to share the identity of the whistleblower with other bodies, his/her authorization is required.


* Responsible of the report are the Chief Internal Audit Officer of Brembo, the assistant to Internal Audit and the Supervisory Committee only for those reports relating to the Brembo S.p.A. Organizational Management and Control Model in accordance with Leg. Decree 231/01


Who can report?

Any person connected with the activities of Brembo Group, such as employees and collaborators, suppliers and customers, shareholders and people who hold administration, management, control, supervision or representation positions.


What can be reported?

  • Violations of regulatory provisions in the context of the activity of the Brembo Group.
  • Violations of Brembo Organizational Management and Control Model in accordance with the Italian Leg. Decree 231/01
  • Violations of other code of conducts, company policies and procedures of Brembo


How is the report managed?

  • Information and documental flows only through the platform
  • Notification to the Chief Internal Audit Officer and to the IA Assistant
  • Notification of receipt within 7 days from the date of receipt
  • Preliminary assessment of the competence of the report
  • Timely feedback for those reports not included in the procedure
  • Notification to Brembo S.p.A. Supervisory Committee for those reports related to 231 Organizational Management and Control Model
  • Request to the whistleblower of further integrations/clarifications
  • Report verification by the GCF Internal Audit
  • Involvement of other bodies, only after prior information to the whistleblower
  • Closure and feedback to the whistleblower within 3 months from the date of the acknowledgement of receipt



How are my personal data processed?

All reports and related documents are kept for no more than five years after closure of the report.

Personal data processing are managed pursuant to (UE) 2016/679 regulation.